Category A
Category A consists of keys that have been recently published in the journal Field Mycology and other recently published keys. This means that synoptic keys involving colour can now be downloaded and printed on any colour computer printer.
Clavaria - brown and black species
This key on Clavaria concentrates on the brown and black species prompted by the discovery of not one but three rare species following a workshop in 2005
Clavaria - yellow species
We now have three yellow or yellowish Clavaria species in the British Isles, all of them unbranched (tubular or clubshaped) and distinctly pale or dull compared with the much commoner and brighter yellow Clavulinopsis species.
Cortinarius - Myxacium
Keys to species of subgenus Myxacium are keys to species which include both those which have been recorded in Britain and those which might be expected to occur in suitable habitats.
Cup Fungi (Larger) Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
Galerina - Synoptic Key
This key by David Savage, 2008 is intended as an alternative approach to fitting Galerina specimens to the descriptions in British Fungus Flora Vol. 7 (Watling & Gregory). Most of the species in BFF 7 are included in the key. No account has been made for any changes to species descriptions, limits, or names, made since the issue of BFF 7.
Hypoxylon Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
These papers explore recent changes in nomenclature in relation to literature sources commonly used by British field mycologists and includes keys to the species.
Lactarius - Synoptic Key
This is an excellent guide to the genus which can often identify the species correctly on a foray when only macro features can be used.
Leccinum - Synoptic Key
From the 39 species recognized in the recent literature, current concepts have reduced the total to just 14. This paper presents a revised synoptic key based on this work and Geoffrey’s own field observations.
Mycena - making a start
This paper is a good introduction to this genus which contains many beautiful species. It allows the beginner to do exactly what the title implies. The reader is led gently into more and more detail till the species characteristics become clear. Species are grouped together in useful groupings for study and identification as far as it is possible in the field. Helpful micro characters are added together with a section on how to prepare material and how to study it with the microscope.
Naucoria in Britain by Alick Henrici
The keys presented here aim to consolidate the rather scattered information currently in print on Naucoria in Britain.
Pluteus Getting to grips with. By Richard Iliffe
In this paper the species of this genus known to occur in Britain are described and a key is presented. Microscopic appearances of cap cuticle are described and used together with a description of how specimens of cap cuticle can be cut.
Psathyrella Species with a Red Gill Edge
Of the 70 species of this genus that occur in Britain 7 have a red gill edge. Their separation and identification is described in text and keys which require microscopic information before they can be used.
Quick Waxcap Key
This extremely useful key in the form of a table backed up by short conventional keys is designed to be used with Boertmann’s book Hygrocybe. Page numbers to the first edition are given.
Russula - Blackening_Species
Although the blackening species of Russula in the Compactae group are easy to recognise as a group it is a different matter to separate them from each other. This paper shows how it can be done with a key to the 8 British species.
This genus has gone through several changes of name and grouping in recent years. This is a distillation of current knowledge of the 18 British species.